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The NETRA Competition “Club Work Rule” has been in place for several years. Compliance with the requirement is necessary for year-end Championship points. However, NETRA has left it to individual clubs and trail bosses to draft the particular club’s event work requirement. The following criteria was drafted by the MVTR Competition committee, presented to the MVTR membership, voted on and accepted.

“MVTR Competition Work Credit” Options

MVTR members  Comply with one of the following;

  • Club Members shall work one (1) Pre-Event day and both event days. (Friday before race weekend is not an ‘event’ day).

Non MVTR members 

  • Non-Members shall work the entire event day on which their event is held.
    (By way of illustration, if a non-member wants a Jr. Enduro work credit they must work the entire day on which that event is held; typically, Saturday. If that same individual also wants a work credit for the Hare Scramble series, they must work the entire day on which that event is held, typically Sunday).

NETRA’s intent is to produce quality events for riders and racers. These requirements increase the amount of help available and supporting for each event. Quality work is produced by those who want to put on and be involved with quality events, i.e. volunteers! Without competitors contributing quality time and effort in the preparation for and on the day of events, the events will lose trail bosses and club volunteers who toil endless hours preparing for, assisting during and cleaning up after an event, having nothing to gain but self / club gratification.

MVTR is diverse in its activities. With that in mind, a wide selection of MVTR associated opportunities are offered competitors to fulfill their work rule requirement, while supporting MVTR’s need to carryout it’s responsibilities to the State (Hop-Everett riding area), sponsored events (The Classic, Ice Box) and members.

Document created December 13, 2017