“Dedicated to the safe
and responsible enjoyment
of the sport”.

MVTR can do for you.
The Merrimack Valley Trail Riders (MVTR) was organized by a group of trail riders in the early 1970’s….
“MVTR is the heart of two wheeled trail riding in New Hampshire.”

MVTR Presidents Message.
“Dedicated to the safe and responsible enjoyment of the sport.”

For what does MVTR stand?
“Charity…events raised more than $2.75 million dollars over its 40-year lifetime..”

MVTR Squad Locker
“A ton of stuff by many brands, Customization .. name and race numbers on some..”
2024 Club Ride
Get psyched for another track day at MX101 THIS Friday(8/24/2024) 9am-2pm. All ages and abilities, M…
MVTR CF Adventure Rally
In continuation of The Classic fundraiser NETRA event, MVTR has transitioned in 2023 to host a Adven…
MVTR Club Appreciation Ride 2023
3rd Annual Club MEMBER Appreciation Day coming up on Nov 18th at NHMX. Join us for a great day of ri…